Listing a house on your own? Avoid these common mistakes made by unsuccessful FSBO owners!
1. Bad Photos
De-clutter, use a good camera, and play with the correct settings to get the most out of your photos. Pictures taken with the TV on, the cat crossing the room, or a pile of clothes on the bed are sure to turn off any interested buyers.
2. High Price
Buyers looking at FSBO listings are looking for a fair deal too. If it looks like the price is too high to start with your listing will quickly be written off.
3. Buyer’s Commission
You’ll save on commissions by not hiring a broker to list your house. BUT, if you skimp too much and don’t offer a reasonable commission to a buyer’s broker you’ll turn off brokers and will significantly shrink your buyer pool.
4. Showings
What is the atmosphere like when a potential buyer looks at the house? If you’re not comfortable making small talk and discussing your home, have another family member present. At a minimum you’re best off by opening the door for the prospective buyer and letting them show themselves around.
5. Marketing
Unless you live in the hottest market around a sign in the front yard will attract people calling you for a price but don’t usually lead to serious buyers. You’ll need to be on the most common FSBO sites and might you want to do flyers and open houses.
6. Qualifying
After you find a buyer for your home, be sure to vet them somewhat so you aren’t wasting your time with an unqualified buyer. In Illinois most deals are facilitated by a real estate attorney who can help you but ask questions about their pre-approval and ability to buy the house up front.
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